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Reclaim Your Virtue.

Friday, December 3, 2010

It's either him or me

Invincible. Stronger than ever. This is what you are. Cue the Rocky theme song. No seriously, blast that bad boy! I've always been the type of person who could spot God in just about anything. Seriously, the smallest things can have spiritual significance. Case in point, I was watching Larry King's interview with Mike Tyson on last night and surprisingly a lot of things Mike Tyson said in the interview can be applied to our walk as Christians.

Point #1: Larry asked Mike Tyson if he ever felt sorry for any of his opponents. Mike's answer, "It's either him or me." As believers we have to decide if we're going to allow Satan to usurp victory over our lives or if we're going to boldly walk in the things God has for us. He's already given us the victory. The fight is fixed and He (God) is the constant... in other words we win! We are not defeated, we are not the tail, we are not crushed, though we be hard pressed on every side, we are and shall always be VICTORIOUS!

Point #2: Larry asked Mike if he had ever been afraid of anyone he was fighting. Mike's anwer, "When I was younger, when I was child... but back then as a child, you were afraid of everyone because you didn't have the confidence...you didn't know that you could fight." Our confidence is in Christ, has He ever let you down. When at any point in life, regardless of what you have gone through, has he allowed you to be defeated. Never!

Point #3: Mike commented, " The objective of the fight is not to back off and let them (the opponent) recoup, the objective of the fight is to smash them into oblivion."  Fight! The enemy has no authority or sayso over your past, present  or future. Victory is in Jesus and Satan's destiny is a fiery pit. Keep fighting because God has equipped you, stand up and stand out, live boldly for Christ, and go confidently in the way of your dreams, in the way He is leading you to go. He is with you and He won't leave you nor forsake you. The fight is fixed and you've already won. Do you believe that?

Prayer: Dear Father,  I thank you that you are always with me, that you promised to never leave me nor forsake me. Father I confess that sometimes my faith gets shaky, and I find it hard to trust you. But even in this Lord, I know that greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world. I know Father that you are for me and not against me. I know that you are ordering my steps, and so I trust Father that your will would be done in my life. Right now God, I surrender my all to you. I surrender my will to you and pray that you would have your way. Move by your Spirit in my life, and bind every plot of Satan against my life. Help me Father to stand when I feel I can't. Give me strength to endure and lead me in the path of righteousness. I praise you and I thank you right now for victory and I thank you for your will being done! I know Father that I have a purpose and a destiny, and with your hand upon me, and your Spirit within me, I will live to proclaim the works of the Lord, when people see me Father, they will know that you live and reign supremely in my life. I love you Lord and I thank you in Jesus name for the Victory. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray... Amen! It is done!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

AFB Officially Launches September 4th

September 4th, Ashes For Beauty Magazine, will premiere it's Genesis issue.

A Christian magazine for Women, AFB Magazine will cater to the whole woman, through departments and columns that will cover financial fitness, health and beauty, as well as interior and home design, stories that feed the soul, and much more.

A regular feature of AFB Magazine is a relationship column, The Rib Shack. Christians believe woman was taken from the rib of man, AFB Magazine will offer tips on being better wives, and mothers, while providing a strong support.

AFB Magazine promises to "Deliver relevant, empowering content. We want to better our readership spiritually, physically, and emotionally. AFB Magazine will speak to the lives of women as people, and strengthen them while doing so," says Editor/Publisher Traneisha Jones.

A bi-monthly online magazine, AFB Magazine has lofty goals of "Transforming the lives of women, one page at a time."

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